The lovely and multi-talented
Caroline Soer has given me this adorable art blog award. Be sure to stop by her blog and see all her beautiful work (and some amazing pictures as well!)
In accordance to the rules, we are supposed to list 7 things we love and pass the award on, if possible. So here they are, in no particular order:
1. Children's books (and not just picture books, but also middle grade and young adult fiction)
2. Reading comics (such as Peanuts, Mafalda, Asterix, Calvin and Hobbes, etc.)
3. Anything handmade
4. Movies, both live action and animated (when I was growing up I used to enjoy watching the same movies several times -- wait, I still do!)
5. Art supply stores
6. European style dark hot chocolate
7. Warm and sunny weather!
Not to mention, of course, my family, friends, and pretty much all animals. Okay, I have to admit, I'm not too fond of bugs (it's fear, mostly!)
Feel free to participate as well! This was certainly fun. Thank you, Caroline!