I've been tagged by Stacey at
Three Red Trees and Monica from
The art of puro to list six random things about myself. This should be fun!
So here they are:
1. I haven't eaten any meat since I was about 9 years old. I'm also a very picky eater, so going out to dinner takes some serious planning.
2. When I was little I wanted to be a wolf biologist. I read every book I could lay my hands on about wolves, both fiction and non-fiction.
3. My favorite comics growing up were Asterix, Mafalda, Peanuts and A Turma da Mônica (a very popular Brazilian comic strip).
4. I love movie soundtracks, especially classical/instrumental ones. There are so many, but some of my favorite composers are Thomas Newman, Rachel Portman, Alexandre Desplat, Howard Shore, Dario Marianelli, and Gabriel Yared.
5. I read a lot (I am a librarian, after all!) and enjoy reading just about anything, from picture books to YA to adult fiction and non-fiction.
6. I'm constantly cold, throughout the year! In winter and fall for obvious reasons -- I was born and grew up in Brazil -- and in summer because of the air conditioning.
We're supposed to tag six other people, but I hope you'll forgive me for skipping this step. Most people seem to have been tagged already and it's getting to be that crazy time of the year when everyone seems to get a bit frazzled by the holidays. However, if you want to take part in this fun game, please do and let us know ;-)