Monday, July 27, 2009

Doodle | Rabisco

A little experiment this week: can I do one doodle a day and post it this week? I'm going to give it a try. Sounds manageable, so let's see if I can keep it up.

Um pequeno teste: consigo fazer um desenho de rabisco por dia esta semana e postar? Vou tentar. Parece-me possível, vamos ver se mantenho o ritmo.


  1. go Monica! I'm sure you can do it. such a cute doodle!

  2. Com certeça que sim!! :) é adorável, gostei muito. Beijinhos

  3. ooh I'll have to keep checking back. this one is so cute!

  4. I am sure you can do it - I am already looking forward to be treated with a doodle every day.
    This one is so cute.

  5. Super cat! Everything about this little guy makes me smile--and I love those chunky paws!
