Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Illustration Friday | Skinny

Some bunnies worry too much about how they look...
Not terribly happy about this one (I couldn't get the mirror right), but illos don't come out good every time, right? ;-)

Tem coelhinhos que se preocupam demais com sua aparência...
Não estou muito satisfeita com esta ilustração (o espelho não saiu direito), mas elas não saem boas todas as vezes, não é? ;-)


  1. Olá Mônica! é possível que também os coelhinhos sofran ante o espelho? nao quero esto para eles ne para ninguem.Beijinhos. Um abraço e bom dia. Parabéns por partilhar este bom trabalho.

  2. sweet bunny :)
    cheer up cheer up.. you are so beautiful!

  3. That bunny hasn't got a thing to worry about.... he's perfect the way he is!

  4. I love how you captured his disappointment perfectly. I want to reach in and give him a hug because he's wonderful!

  5. Oh so adorable! He is so very worried! I just want to give him a hug!

  6. Aww - poor wee bunny, but it's such a lovely expression on his face!

  7. Maybe you don't like it very much but I LOVE it! He's adorable!

  8. Oh dear! But bunnies shouldn't be skinny... the fluff is a part of their charm! ; )

    You really caught the right mood with his expression!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. (sorry for deleted post...)

    Your bunny looks great and shouldn't worry about his weight!

  11. I know what you mean about not always being happy with every drawing, but sheesh, Monica, I just love your bunnies. I can't get enough of them, hee hee!

  12. firstly, the mirror, it's just fine, good for you for posting it anyway, happy with everything or not. and what a gentle sweet way to convey that looking in the mirror feeling.

  13. Oh! The poor little thing! I just want to give it a hug and try to make it feel better (maybe it's the mommy in me?).
    Anyway I don't know what the issue is with the mirror - it looks fine.
    Hope you are having a great weekend =)

  14. painting mirrors does hard..i agree. love the bunny, though! how's the trading card going?
