Well, hello there! It's been ages, I know. I had big hopes of keeping to a schedule, adding new content to my blog on a consistent basis, but here I am, 4 months after my last post... tsk, tsk, tsk.
But wait, I have a good excuse! I was working very hard on my second picture book, which I'm happy to say is DONE (and art was delivered on time, yay!) *happy, happy dance* Aaaand, the book has a new title, ready?
Ladies and Gentlemen, keep your eyes open for... SLEEPOVER WITH BEATRICE AND BEAR! Coming 2014 from Nancy Paulsen Books and yours truly.
On my last post about working on book 2, I said that I would be talking next about my favorite art supplies. This sounds like a great way to get back into blogging mode!
My favorite watercolor paper lately is Fabriano Artistico Extra White, 140 lbs, hot pressed. I use blocks - they're more expensive than sheets, but easier to store and do not require stretching. That beautiful watercolor pan set was a gift from my parents (Sennelier artist watercolors) and it's been put to great use! I also use tube Winsor & Newton artist watercolors. Pen nibs and holders, as well as a selection of brushes, and Winsor and Newton Black India Ink. In a jar, a selection of Prismacolor color pencils (there are a lot more that I keep in clay pots by my window).
My studio is a corner near a window (see the clay pots with pencils?) It can get a bit messy and crowded, but it's home!
This is where I worked on both Little Dog Lost and Sleepover With Beatrice and Bear, and while I do most of the inking and painting there, I also use the kitchen table and any other surface available for drawing and sketching, cutting paper, using the light box, etc.
Welcome to my world!
it's a lovely room !