Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Freddie is here!

Both are Original Sock Dogs created by plush artist and illustrator Stacey Hsu from Three Red Trees. I was the very lucky winner of a surprise raffle on her blog and, thanks to her generosity, was able to add Freddie to our family.
Thank you, Stacey!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
In color! | Colorido!

Aqui então está a versão colorida deste desenho, feito para o blog Watercolor Wednesdays. Tenho tentado soltar mais o meu traço e aquareladas, em busca de um estilo mais natural. Acho que estou conseguindo, mas ainda tenho muito o que aprender. :-)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I'm a Surprise Winner!!

Stacey Hsu, an immensely talented and very generous plush artist and illustrator, has given me a fantastic gift. I am the winner of one of her beautiful creations, which you can find both on her blog and on her etsy store, Three Red Trees. She's the creator of the Original Sock Dog, and 10% of every Original Sock Dog purchase is donated to the Humane Society of Greater Kansas City. How cool is that?? Above you can see a few of her creations (there are many, many more!) The last one, that cute black dog with the red collar is Lolly, based on one of Stacey's own dogs and who now lives with me. Lolly is a total sweetheart! :-)
I've been a fan of her work (and blog) for a while, and I'm sure you will too. I'll post a picture of my gift (Freddie, the Escape Artist!) when he arrives, but meanwhile make sure you check all of her work. You won't be disappointed!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Watercolor Wednesdays

The prompt this month for Watercolor Wednesday has to do with gift giving between friends. Here's my sketch -- I have a feeling you can guess where this is going! :-)
A atividade deste mês para o blog Watercolor Wednesday é criar uma ilustração de um amigo dando um presente a um outro. Aqui está o meu desenho -- acho que vocês devem imaginar por onde vai essa estória! :-)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Illustration Friday | Similar

Similar, but not exactly the same...
I did this some time ago, playing around with the same illustration but using different media (and different flowers). I haven't done that in a while, but it was fun and a good way of practicing.
Parecido, mas não exatamente igual...
Fiz este trabalho há algum tempo atrás, usando a mesma ilustração, mas com materials diferentes (e flores diferentes também). Faz tempo que não faço isso, mas foi divertido e uma boa maneira de praticar.
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Here are the rules. The winner may:
1. Put the logo on their blog;
2. Put a link to the person that sent them the award;
3. Nominate 5 blogs for the award.
I'd like to nominate these very talented and creative people and their blogs:
- Carli from Carli's Corner
- Monica from The art of puro
- Loni Edwards
- Crystal Driedger
- Ale Balanzario from With blueberry heart
Check out their wonderful and diverse work!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Illustration Friday | Balloon

A magia de um balão vermelho. Oh, que lugares você vai visitar! :-)

And here's a sketch for a birthday card I did a while back. I kind of like red balloons...
E aqui um desenho antigo para um cartão de aniversário que fiz há algum tempo atrás. Eu gosto de balões vermelhos...
Illustration Friday,
Monday, November 24, 2008
I've been tagged by Stacey at Three Red Trees and Monica from The art of puro to list six random things about myself. This should be fun!
So here they are:
1. I haven't eaten any meat since I was about 9 years old. I'm also a very picky eater, so going out to dinner takes some serious planning.
2. When I was little I wanted to be a wolf biologist. I read every book I could lay my hands on about wolves, both fiction and non-fiction.
3. My favorite comics growing up were Asterix, Mafalda, Peanuts and A Turma da Mônica (a very popular Brazilian comic strip).
4. I love movie soundtracks, especially classical/instrumental ones. There are so many, but some of my favorite composers are Thomas Newman, Rachel Portman, Alexandre Desplat, Howard Shore, Dario Marianelli, and Gabriel Yared.
5. I read a lot (I am a librarian, after all!) and enjoy reading just about anything, from picture books to YA to adult fiction and non-fiction.
6. I'm constantly cold, throughout the year! In winter and fall for obvious reasons -- I was born and grew up in Brazil -- and in summer because of the air conditioning.
We're supposed to tag six other people, but I hope you'll forgive me for skipping this step. Most people seem to have been tagged already and it's getting to be that crazy time of the year when everyone seems to get a bit frazzled by the holidays. However, if you want to take part in this fun game, please do and let us know ;-)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Illustration Friday | Opinion
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Illustration Friday | Pretend
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Sound of Music

Back from Rio, where I spent two wonderful weeks with my family (and got a bit of a tan as well!) While there, I saw a production of The Sound of Music on stage, one of my favorite musicals. It was a great show, really well done and well acted. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen the movie, and it never fails to cheer me up! :-)
De volta do Rio, aonde eu passei duas semanas maravilhosas com a minha família (e peguei um bronzeado também!) Enquanto lá assisti uma produção de A Noviça Rebelde no teatro, uma dos meus musicais favoritos. Foi um ótimo show, super bem feito e representado. Já perdi a conta de quantas vezes eu assisti o filme, que nunca deixa de me alegrar! :-)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Trip to Rio de Janeiro!

It's that time of the year again! Time to fly down to Rio and visit my family. :-)
I'll try to post some drawings and sketches while I'm there, and I'll be sure to stop by other blogs to say "hello!"
See you soon!
É aquela época do ano novamente. É hora de viajar para o Rio e visitar a minha família. :-)
Tentarei postar desenhos e rabiscos enquanto estiver lá, e certamente visitarei outros blogues para dizer "Oi!"
Até breve!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Illustration Friday | Repair

They say that of all the things that can be broken, one of the hardest to repair is a broken heart. However I think there's still hope for this little guy :-)
And last but not least, a big thank you for all your nice comments on my post below for "Late." I had been disappointed with the way the sky had turned out, but you made me see it with new eyes!
Esta não é uma ilustração nova, mas uma que eu fiz para IF ano passado. Esta vai ser uma semana cheia para mim, então lembrei desta aquarela.
Dizem que de todas as coisas que podem ser quebradas, o coração é o mais difícil de ser consertado. Mas eu acho que ainda há esperança para este rapazinho :-)
E finalmente, um grande obrigado a todos pelo seus comentários sobre a minha ilustração anterior para "Late." Eu estava disapontada com o modo como o céu tinha saído, mas vocês me ajudaram a vê-lo com novos olhos.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Illustration Friday | Late

I had a bit of problem painting the sky. I was trying to make it quite starry and decided to improvise, but it got a bit muddy and the lines didn't help much. Well, I still like the bunnies! :-)
O que fazem os coelhinhos quando fica muito tarde? Eles se aconchegam e vão dormir! Como eu, eles preferem manhãs...
Tive um certo problema pintando o céu. Estava tentando fazê-lo bem estrelado e resolvi improvisar, mas acabou saindo meio sujo e os traços de naquim não ajudaram muito. Bem, mas eu ainda gosto dos coelhinhos! :-)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Illustration Friday | Strings

Coisas para fazer com barbante: brincar de Cama de gato! Lembro-me de brincar assim quando eu era pequena...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Illustration Friday | Sugary

Some line work this time, but I may add some watercolor later when I have more time.
Alguém quer biscoitos de açucar? Acho que vão sair bem açucarados, mas pelo menos ela está se divertindo com o preparo. :-)
Só linha dessa vez, mas espero poder acrescentar cor mais tarde quando tiver mais tempo.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
It's here!!!

Thank you, Alicia, for the giveaway and for the chance of having my very own signed copy of your first picture book (I know there'll be many, many more!)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Illustration Friday | Packed
Monday, September 29, 2008
"I love you all year round" Book Celebration

I couldn't resist and entered with this illustration, showing something I love to do all year around: hugging my dog! And guess what? I was selected as the winner (you just have to see how it was done!)
Anyway, I can't wait to get my signed copy! And by they way, have you hugged your pet lately? :-)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Illustration Friday | Clique
Spotlight on Books and Illustrators

I just got back from Salt Lake City where I attended ALA's Association for Library Service to Children 2008 National Institute. One of the highlights for me was the opportunity to meet and hear author/illustrator Laura Vaccaro Seeger speak about her books and her creative process. She is a delightful speaker and a truly talented picture book writer and illustrator. Her newest book, "One boy" just got published this month.
I am particularly fond of her "Dog and Bear" books and we got a treat during her talk: a preview of the third title in the series to be published sometime next year. She brought slides of her dummy book and it was wonderful to be there for the sneak peek. Be sure to check out her books!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Cat sketch with ink and watercolor | Illustration Friday | Island

(I haven't been able to participate in Illustration Friday lately -- work and travel. But I did this small painting as an exercise, and Stacey gave me the idea of using it for this week's theme of IF. I was thinking quite literally in terms of "island", but she's right! What a great idea! This does work, doesn't it? This little one has found a little comfy island to take a nice nap.)
Então aqui está o desenho colorido, com naquim e aquarela. Não saiu tão solto como eu esperava, mas para uma ilustração rápida e simples acho que ficou bom. E acho também que este é o meu estilo, um pouco solto, mas não tanto...
(Não tem sido possivel participar do Illustration Friday ultimamente -- trabalho e viagem. Mas eu fiz essa pinturinha como exercicio e a Stacey me deu a ideia de usá-la para o tema desta semana. Eu estava pensando em "ilha" literalmente, mas ela tem razão! Que grande idéia! Funciona, não? Este gatinho encontrou uma ilhazinha confortável para tirar uma soneca.)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Cat sketch | Desenho de um gato

Tenho tentado me soltar mais no meu desenho. Eu consigo quando estou só rabiscando, sem me preocupar com o resultado final. Este gato/a relaxando num cobertor estava na janela do centro de adoção de animais perto de onde moro. Desenhei ele/ela bem rápido e agora meu plano é refaze-lo com nanquim e só um pouco de cor, bem solto... Vamos ver se acerto! :-)
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Illustration Friday | Memories

Folhear álbuns de fotografias de família trazem lembranças maravilhosas. Minha tia Margarida fez um álbum da nossa família, e eu adoro olhar as fotos, mesmo aquelas que foram tiradas antes de eu nascer, quando vejo meu avós e bisavós tão jovens. Dá vontade de poder viajar no tempo...
Watercolor Wednesday | Beatrix Potter

This week's theme for Watercolor Wednesdays is a homage to Beatrix Potter. As I became familiar with her life and work, I was always fascinated by her illustrated letters, her beautiful line drawings, and the start of her career as a storyteller.
So I did my own interpretation of her now very famous letter to Noel, about a little rabbit named Peter. :-)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Illustration Friday | Constance's Morning Routine

1) Wake up, Beagle Girl!
2) Come on, Constance, time to get up.
3) Cooonnnstaannce!
4) Eat breakfast.
5) Beg for more breakfast.
6) Run in the park!
Ah, the good life :-)
Caso não consigam ler os subtítulos, esta é a rotina matinal da Constance:
1) Acorde, Beagle Girl!
2) Vamos, Constance, hora de levantar.
3) Cooonnnstaannce!
4) Comer café da manhã.
5) Pedir mais café da manhã.
6) Correr pelo parque!
Ah, que vida boa :-)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Dog Lover Blog Award 2008!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Illustration Friday | Detach

Ooopa... isso não era para ter acontecido! Ainda bem, tem um Hospital de Bonecas logo lá na esquina.
Monday, August 18, 2008

I now get to spread the joy and give this award to other bloggers who bring art and inspiration to our world. Pretty cool...
Here are the rules:
1-Display the logo on your blog
2-Link back to the person you received the award from.
3-Nominate 7 other blogs
4-Put links of those blogs on yours
5-Leave a message on their blogs so they know they've been nominated.
That's always the hardest part. But here we go:
Lil Kim from lil kim's illo blog
Paola from La Señorita Pil
Kristin from Illustration blog
Alicia from My place over the hill
Eunice from This nice dog
Erin from Rapture Pet Sitting Service
Stacey from Three Red Trees
Of course, there many, many, many more... :-)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Spotlight on Books and Illustrators

Time to talk about another favorite author/illustrator of mine: Stephen Michael King from Australia. He has a wonderful, playful and loose style done in pen and ink and watercolor. The book "Leaf" was recently published in Australia, and I learned that the U.S. rights were bought by Roaring Book Press. I can't wait to see his latest work! Meanwhile, look for books written and/or illustrated at your local library and check out his website. It's a lot of fun!
Friday, August 15, 2008
One more for Watercolor Wednesdays
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Illustration Friday | Sail
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Spotlight on Books and Illustrators
A new day to talk about picture books and illustrators I admire: Sundays!
And here's the pick of this week: Peter McCarty and his books about two adorable characters. The first book, Hondo and Fabian, came out in 2002 and was a Caldecott Honor Book. The illustrations are beautiful and original, color pencil on watercolor paper, and the story simple, fun and charming. In 2007, Peter published a sequel, Fabian escapes, and it's just as wonderful.
Have you read them? If not, check them out!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Sketch for Watercolor Wednesdays

Aqui está o rascunho do meu desenho para a "Watercolor Wednesdays." Você pode ver a ilustração final lá (assim como o trabalho dos outros artistas!)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Illustration Friday | Poof
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